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Professor Karen Reynolds

Co-Director, Flinders University

Professor Karen Reynolds is Director of the Medical Device Research Institute at Flinders University. As a Biomedical Engineer, she is passionate about connecting research and industry to ensure effective research translation. In 2008, she founded the Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) Ideas Incubator, a program designed to facilitate early-stage innovation and collaborations across the MedTech sector. Fifteen years later, this award-winning program continues to support early-stage innovation in the MedTech sector. Karen has held a number of external roles including membership of the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s Advisory Committee on Medical Devices, the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board, and the National Imaging Facility Board. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academies of Technology and Engineering and of Health & Medical Sciences and an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia. Her contributions have been recognised through awards including South Australian Scientist of the Year 2012 and Australian Professional Engineer of the Year in 2010.

Professor Karen Reynolds
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