Welcome to the South Australian Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility

Spin Coater
Karl Suss Delta 80
Microfluidics & clean rooms and associated equipment
Micro and nano fabrication
Glasses, semiconductor, metals and polymers
Up to 8 inch diametre substrates and with an automatic material dispenser
Fabrication step:
To evenly and repeatibily coat substrates with polymer films
Capable of applying uniform thickness polymer films, such as a resist to substrates. The Karl Suss Delta 80 spin coater is further enhanced by a “Gyrset” to help achieve uniformity, especially on square and rectangular substrates and to minimise edge bead build up.
A programmable dispense arm for precise fluid dispensing allows for the spin speed to be smoothly varied from 100 to 7000 rpm. Programs with different resists can be selected via the menu driven software enabling both thin and thick film layers.
Universal coating system with GYRSET® for up to 8 inch wafers